Roadmap for the Crypto Artificers Guild

Crypto Artificers Guild
3 min readNov 4, 2021


The Crypto Artificers Guild is fast approaching the completion of the phase one trials. In this phase we deployed twenty unique mystical NFTS created by several teams using different methods and traditions. The spread of rarity of our phase one NFTs was as follows:

Ten 10/10
Two 5/5
One 2/2
Seven 1/1

With only a few left to distribute our teams are busy already analyzing the feedback from our beta testers in preparation for our next collection. We’ve already announced the collection “Mystical Alchemy”, and now our artists are working on unique art to be featured with alchemical themes.

We’re refining our process by focusing on the techniques and methods that proved most effective, based on user feedback.

What’s around the corner?

But what does the future hold? How will we continue to drive value for our early participants? What’s our long term goal, and how will it effect our NFT owners?

We’ve reserved five 1/1 from our first collection to be given away to the users who’s feedback was most useful in refining our process. Those will be distributed upon completion of phase one. We’ve also reserved a special 2/2 to be given away to the first two participants from our phase one, that participate in our next phase of testing.

In addition, anyone who provides beta tester feedback by emailing us their experience or story with their NFT will earn the exclusive Forge Coin, which can only be gotten by actively participating in the phase one trial. Owning this coin enables the owner a twenty four hour advantage to picking up any phase two NFTs. This makes it possible for early community members to get exclusive access to future NFTs!

Forge Coin #1

In our phase two, any NFTs not acquired by our phase one community will be dropped on Twitter, to grow the community of beta testers. And this process will continue, with subsequent trials (and coins!) until we gain the confidence in our methods to move from a beta phase into production.

As we move into the production release of our mystical NFTs. You can expect the same advantages to be extended to our early community members, where owners of beta coins will be given exclusive early access to pick up production NFTs. This means for early community members that participate in every phase of our trial period — and acquire all our beta coins. They will have the first opportunity to acquire all production NFTs!

Production NFTs not acquired by community members will either be given away as promotions, or held for future release (not sold).

This means, for most people, the only way to purchase our production NFTs will be to buy them from our community members! We feel this model of distribution is most conducive to encourage early community growth and incentives high-quality feedback of trial NFTs.

About the Crypto Artificers Guild
The Crypto Artificers Guild is a group of artists, mystics, and technologist established to answer one question. Does science and technology exclude the mystical or is it possible to create a fusion of the mystical with technology? Please consider participating in our project by becoming a beta tester.



Crypto Artificers Guild

Something old, something new. We are a guild of mystics, artists, and technologist that craft digital artifacts to enhance lives.