Introducing Mystical Artifact NFTs

Crypto Artificers Guild
2 min readOct 16, 2021


Ever since the first person gazed at the stars or stared into the eyes of their firstborn they have felt a connection with something beyond themselves. Human history, across every culture, speaks to this transcendental experience, this ephemeral connection to something beyond. The mystical can be found expressed in every culture in unique and, as some have discovered, often powerful beliefs, practices, and traditions. However, things have changed.

With the rise of science and technology the mystical has been forgotten, or relegated to history. Is humanity done with the mystical? Done with a reality greater than what we can sense? We don’t think so.

The Crypto Artificers Guild was established to answer one question. Does science and technology exclude the mystical or is it possible to create a fusion of the mystical with technology? To that end we have embarked on what we call, “The long road.” We don’t expect this question to be answered easily, perhaps, not even in our lifetime, but what we learn will better inform those who follow.

Enter NFT. An NFT is a unique or limited digital asset that can be owned and traded, like art, or music, or poetry. It uses a decentralized network and smart contracts to cryptographically secure ownership with technology and math, rather than laws and courts. They are fascinating on their own and we encourage you to learn more about them. Our interest lie in using them to anonymously distribute our proprietary hybrid mystical technology, mystical artifact NFTs.

Mystical Artifact NFT? Yes. In our first experiment (we like science too!) we’re attempting to merge ancient mystical traditions, digital art, and technology into a digital asset that impact their owner’s lives. You can think of them as digital talismans.

Beta Verity, mystical artifact

We have different traditions and processes we are experimenting with, all of which are completely free for our beta testers (we even pay for gas). Right now, we’re in the early beta phase of this technology, recording user experiences, documenting the efficacy of different methods and teams.

This is a free project open to everyone interested. We are not selling these NFTs! If you are interesting in supporting us please consider following us on twitter, and watching for beta NFT drops!

Active beta participants (those who provide feedback on our NFTs) will qualify for additional, exclusive NFTs!

With your help, we can make progress on our quest to reach beyond and discover more about our universe.



Crypto Artificers Guild

Something old, something new. We are a guild of mystics, artists, and technologist that craft digital artifacts to enhance lives.