Forge Coin Exclusive and Future Talk

Crypto Artificers Guild
3 min readOct 19, 2021


We just minted our first coin in the Artifact Treasury collection and it’s available exclusively to our our active beta testers who provide feedback on the mystical NFTs they own.

#1 Forge Coin, only available to active beta testers

You can become a beta tester by requesting one of our Mystical Artifact Forge NFTs when we announce drops on twitter. After you own one of our mystical NFTs, you need to send us feedback of your experience as an owner of the NFT.

To Qualify for the #1 Forge Coin

Send us feedback on how our mystical NFTs have or have not changed your life. Be specific about which NFTs you are testing, and what you believe they have done (if anything) for you. To send us feedback email and include your ETH address. We will use your ETH address to confirm you own the NFTs you are providing feedback for and to issue your Forge Coin.

Why would I need a Forge Coin?

Our first beta test, the Mystical Artifact Forge collection, is nearing completion. After we’ve collected feedback from our beta testers our teams will crunch the numbers and use the feedback you provide to pick the best methods and teams for our next collection. The next collection will use what we gathered from this round of test to create a more powerful mystical artifact. Owners of the #1 Forge Coin will have first access to those experimental NFTs. This is our way of insuring that our active community members are rewarded for their contributions to our project. More information will be coming in the next weeks about this future collection.

Other Exclusive Rewards

The very best participants, that give us the most useful and detailed feedback, will receive exclusive 1/1 artifacts from our Mystical Artifact Forge collection. These will be rewarded at the end of our beta test next month. We have five exclusive NFTs only available in this way.

1/1 Artifact exclusively available to our best beta testers

Future Roadmap

Going forward, owning previous collection NFTs, and coins and notes from our Artifact Treasury will give you exclusive access to future NFTs as a continued reward for your active community participation.

With no plans to ever directly sell NFTs to the public. These first NFTs will only be available from our community.

In this way, as our NFTs become stronger, and provide more value, the community that helped us grow is rewarded.

About the Crypto Artificers Guild
The Crypto Artificers Guild is a group of artists, mystics, and technologist established to answer one question. Does science and technology exclude the mystical or is it possible to create a fusion of the mystical with technology? Please consider participating in our project by becoming a beta tester.



Crypto Artificers Guild

Something old, something new. We are a guild of mystics, artists, and technologist that craft digital artifacts to enhance lives.